Ultimate Warcraft 3 плагин включает в себя 50 игровых уровней, и очень гибкой системой скилов(skills). Модификация основана на оригинальном WC3:FT r11 плагине. Скриншоты:
Оригинальное описание:
Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation (UWC3NG) is a raceless version of the Warcraft3:FT plugin you may be familiar with. UWC3NG
provides players with 50 playable levels and a freeform skills system
which allows you to mix and match skills of your choosing. In
addition UWC3NG offers players a choice of 10 ultimate skills and you
can train up to 3 different ultimates, as well as other special
abilities. UWC3NG also offers an optional Enhancement system to provide your character with even more customization.