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    Molotov Cocktail (Коктейль молотова)

  • 06.12.2011, 13:08

    Этот плагин добавит вам на сервер новую гранату "Коктейль молотова"


    Помните: (Не стал переводить спать хочу smile, сами справляйтесь. Если что вот онлайн переводчик)
    ▪ You can set the price of molotov.
    ▪ Molotov grenade have own model.
    ▪ You can buy more that one molotov in a round.
    ▪ If you have bought a hegrenade, you can't buy a molotov and vice-versa.
    ▪ You can set the damage done by molotov.
    ▪ You can set the radius damage of molotov.
    ▪ On molotov impact, are presents fire effects, smoke effects, sounds.
    ▪ If you have bought a molocov, on next round if you doesen't used yet, will no remain with them.
    ▪ Molotov made damage on ents.
    ▪ Can buy molotov from buy menu.
    ▪ Can give molotov to another players with a command.

    Клиентские команды:
    • say molotov
    • say /molotov

    Используйте эти команды чтобы получить "коктейль молотова"
    Одна из этих команд, работает только в том случае, если molotov_override cvar равен 0.

    Админские команды:

    molotov_cocktail - 1/0 - Enable/Disable the plugin.
    molotov_give - Give to selected player an molotov.
    molotov_override 1/0 - Override the original hegrenade automaticly with molotov.
    ! ADMIN_KICK required for use this command.

    Cvars :
    ▪ molotov_price - Set the molotov price.
    Default = 1200 $

    ▪ molotov_damage - Set the damage done by molotov.
    Default = 40.0

    ▪ molotov_radius - Set the radius of molotov damage.
    Default = 200.0

    ▪ molotov_firetime - Duration of fire effects, sounds etc
    Default = 6

    ▪ molotov_firedamage - Ammount of damage done by fire effects.
    Default = 1 ( every 0.2 secs )

    ▪ molotov_tk - Disable/Enable the ability to damage/kill someone on your team with molotov.
    Default = 1

    ▪ molotov_tempoverride - override the original hegrenade autmoaticly with molotov.
    Default = 0

    ▪ molotov_buyzone - do you have to be in buyzone? ( if inmenu this is ignored )
    1 = only on buyzone (default)
    0 = anywhere

    ▪ molotov_max - max num of molotovs able to carry.
    Default = 1 ( Does not work with override )

    ▪ molotov_inmenu - Puts molotov in the end of the equipment buymenu.
    Default = 0 ( if the override cvar is enabled the hegrenade will be replaced instead. )

    Нужные модули:
    • Fakemeta
    • Fun
    • Cstrike
    • CSX
    • Fakemeta Utilities

    - Установите плагин, как любой другой плагин smile .
    - Киньте sounds в \cstrike\sound\misc\
    - Киньте models в \cstrike\models\
    - Киньте sprites в \cstrike\sprites\

    Просмотров: 1401 Категория: Плагины
    Добавил: admin Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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